Tuesday, June 28, 2011

bon voyage

top: Target, Pants: Old Navy, shoes: Mia, necklaces: birdsEye Jewelry, belt: AE

I had my husband take these quick shots before he took off to New Orleans for business.  Its been lonely with him gone but alas I've gotten quite a bit of jewelry making/experimenting and t.v. watching in.  I'm slightly obsessed with Veronica Mars.  I now would like to become a P.I. or perhaps just a reason to spy on people.

I have some more yo yo necklaces and other new designs coming.


  1. i used to HATE (slash, hardly even be able to function) when my husband was gone. now i love to control the tv when he's out of town... heh. some people might call it selfish. i call it "finding the silver lining...and its name is television."
    i LOVE your top here. like, really love it. i might stalk target's website to try to find it.
    http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (fellow 30x30 remixer; come on by if you'd like!)

  2. Love your top and skinny pants! Hope your hubby is home soon!

  3. Oh man, I went through a Veronica Mars phase myself back in 2008. That show is so addictive!
